Signature of a convention

A partnership convention was signed between 3 associations from gafsa for the developement of the associative governance management.
After some inter-associative meetings about the programming of activities and the prosentation of projects and commune associative objectives that the ngo's ' red crescnt tunisian committee of gafsa, JCI 'jeunes
chambre internationale' and the cultural association mash'hed have been trying to achieve in the last few years.
a 6 month long partnership between the 3 ngo's has been signed on july the 12th at the pasc-gafsa locals.
The general objective of this partnership is to strengthen the management and governance of the three associations through the exchange of skills and learning through field actions .
The agreement contains two parts on which the associations will work during the six months of the partnership. The first part will be the establishment of an inventory in the areas of youth , culture and health to provide a scientific database to establish plans of associative action in three areas. As for the second phase, it involves the establishment of response field actions to identified needs.
Given the analysis of the three associations skills, such a partnership will develop their national capabilities to assume a greater leadership role in their 
areas and to improve their organizational and operational aspects .